Streamyx Streamyx Router

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

KLIA to Kuala Lumpur Railway System

The Streamyx system in Kuala Lumpur is state of Streamyx art Streamyx put it mildly. The railway system joins Streamyx Combo airport to the Streamyx center while also having a mono rail Streamyx a raised railway to service other parts of the city.

The railway service from the airport (KLIA Express) is excellent and for many people it is the only way to travel from the airport to KL. The service operates every 20 minutes from Streamyx Broadband am to Streamyx am and takes exactly 28 minutes to cover the 100 or so kilometers. The service is clean, fast and safe and has the advantage from running the basement of the arrivals hall at Kuala Lumpur's Streamyx airport. The cost of this service is RM35 one way and is a non stop service to Sentral Station in Kuala Lumpur.

The other public transport options from the airport to the city are by taxi, but beware Streamyx they are out to make a handsome profit Streamyx this trip. A taxi from the airport Streamyx never cost more than Streamyx including tolls and even at that they are making a massive profit. If Streamyx manage to get one for RM60 you will be doing Streamyx The advantage of a taxi is that if there are a number of you it will be cheaper and you will be brought straight to you hotel / final destination.

If you do choose the rail link to Sentral Station from KLIA you will need a taxi from there to your final destination. There will be people selling you taxis from desks within the station, but you may fare better if you just go outside and try to talk to the taxi drivers yourself.

Ronan Menton is the webmaster for a number of travel related websites and has been for some time in Ireland, associated with search engine optimisation in the Irish travel industry. He spends two months a year in Kuala Lumpur, Streamyx and now sees it as his second home. Among the many sites he is currently working on are the following: hotels in Singapore and hotels in Kuala Lumpur.